Application of Jiwei High-Temperature Extended Liquid Level Switches in Dehua Chemicals
Selected product:
Tube-11 Vibrating Rod Level Switch, Ring-11 Liquid Level Switch, Fork-11 Tuning Fork Level switch, Flap-11A,S,P series of Magnetic Level Indicator

Dezhou Shihua Chemical Company has purchased Jiwei Tube-11 Vibrating Rod Level Switches, Fork-11 Tuning Fork Level Switches and Ring-11 Liquid Level Switches, applying them in the applications for PVC resin, caustic soda and other plastic products. High reliability of Jiwei products won the customer´s trust. The company purchased a batch of Jiwei level switches to replace all of their currently installed level switches plus a high-temperature liquid level switch later this year.

The company purchased a batch of Jiwei level switches to replace all of their currently installed level switches plus a high-temperature liquid level switch later this year.
At the beginning of this year, the company tried on the Jiwei Magnetic Level Indicator. Up to now over 200 Flap-11 series Magnetic Level Indicators have been installed for membrane electrolytic production demonstration projects, and have been installed for liquid level measurement in hydrolyzed hydrogen peroxide apparatus and process storage tanks. All of them have been working well without any failure.