Concepts of Sensitivity and Resolution in Instruments
Sensitivity and resolution are two frequently used technical indicators in measurement instruments, each with specific meanings. Below is a detailed explanation of the definitions and distinctions of these two concepts.

I. Definitions
- Sensitivity
Sensitivity (S) indicates the degree to which an instrument responds to changes in the measured quantity. It is often expressed as the ratio of the change in output ((Δy)) to the change in input ((Δx)) that causes this change, after the instrument has stabilized over sufficient time. Mathematically, this can be represented as (S = Δy/Δx). From this definition, it can be understood that sensitivity is essentially a dimensional amplification factor. When the dimensions are the same, a larger numerical value of sensitivity indicates that the instrument is more responsive to changes in the measured parameter. For analog instruments, sensitivity numerically equals the distance or angle moved by the instrument pointer in response to a unit change in the measured parameter. - Resolution
Resolution, also known as sensitivity limit, refers to the smallest input change that the instrument can respond to and distinguish. Typically, the resolution of an instrument should not exceed half of the allowable absolute error. In some respects, resolution can be seen as a dead zone. Resolution reflects sensitivity; generally, instruments with high sensitivity also exhibit high resolution. In practical applications, there is a desire to improve instrument sensitivity to ensure a higher resolution.

The above indicators apply to analog instruments, while digital instruments often use the term “resolution” to describe the levels of sensitivity or resolution. For digital instruments, resolution refers to the change in the measured parameter represented by the smallest significant digit. For example, if the least significant digit of a digital voltmeter represents 10 µV, its resolution is 10 µV. For instruments with multiple ranges, the resolution varies by range, with the resolution of the smallest range being termed the highest resolution for that instrument, which for digital instruments is also called its sensitivity. For instance, if a meter has a minimum range of 0 to 1.00000 V and displays six digits, with the least significant digit representing 10 µV, the sensitivity of the meter is 10 µV. The resolution of a digital instrument is the relative value of its sensitivity to its range. For the above instrument, the resolution is calculated as (10 \mu V/1 V = 10^{-5}), or one hundred-thousandth.
II. Distinctions
- Sensitivity:
- Sensitivity is an important indicator measuring the instrument’s responsiveness to small signals or changes.
- Instruments with high sensitivity can more accurately reflect changes in the measured quantity, thus enhancing measurement accuracy and reliability.
- Sensitivity also affects the measurement range and response speed of the instrument.
- Resolution:
- Resolution measures the smallest change that the instrument can detect.
- Instruments with high resolution can display measurement results more finely, providing more detailed information.
- Resolution is particularly important in situations requiring precise measurement and control.

III. Considerations in Practical Applications
- Choosing Instruments:
- Select appropriate sensitivity and resolution based on measurement requirements. For instance, high-sensitivity instruments are needed for weak signal measurements, while high-resolution instruments are necessary for precise measurements.
- Comprehensive Consideration:
- There is a relationship between sensitivity and resolution, but they are not always directly correlated. When selecting an instrument, one must consider measurement range, accuracy, stability, and other factors to find the most suitable instrument.

In summary, the sensitivity and resolution of measurement instruments are two distinct technical indicators, each with unique definitions and functions. In practical applications, it is essential to choose the appropriate sensitivity and resolution based on measurement requirements to ensure accuracy and reliability.